New World Record


Dottie set new World Record in her Age Group Category in the World Indoor Rowing Championship in Boston on March 1st.  This would be Lightweight Women, agest 80 – 84.  It is a well attended international crowd and Dottie bettered her 2013 winning time by about 7 seconds.  Her 2,000 meter  time  was 9:39:6.  Unfortunately right after she got her trophy she (and a couple others) tripped on the temporary stage in the Arena and she took a tumble.  Fractured her collarbone and badly bruised her hamstring.  No surgery required and she continued today to NYC, riding with very good friends who had come in as cheerleaders/coxswain.  She feels pretty good thanks to ice, Advil and a New World Record but she’s badly bruised.

Congratulations Dottie!


Exhibit at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra


Beaches Fine Art Series Concert